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Friday, March 13, 2009

Tips for Sensitive Skin

How do I know if I have Sensitive Skin?

If you get red or blotchy skin, you may have sensitive skin. People with sensitive skin need to be particularly careful. If you have this skin type, you should avoid products containing perfumes or dyes and strong soaps — all can be irritants. Instead, opt for mild or hypoallergenic products and those that are “free” of these irritating agents. Also try gently using your fingers to cleanse your face instead of washcloths, which can be abrasive on the skin. All products manufactured by Gourmet Body Treats are suitable for sensitive skin.

What products do you recommend for Rosacea/Sensitive Skin?

Our clients with rosacea and/or sensitive skin have had great success with out Soothing neem soap and Hydrating serum. The soothing neem soap has pure oatmeal that soothes irritated skin while the anti-bacterial properties of neem help fight break outs. Our hydrating serum was carefully formulated to glide on like silk and deeply moisturize and repair with highly concentrated vitamins. Also try our Amazing Eye Cream. You can see benefits of eye creams if you apply them regularly because the outer eye area is usually very dry and creams add much-needed moisture. Spot-treat nightly to reduce dryness and wrinkles

How should I care for the skin of my face?

Rubbing the face tends to irritate the reddened skin. Most commercial products and hair sprays may also aggravate redness and swelling.
Facial products such as soap, moisturizers and sunscreens should be free of alcohol or other irritating ingredients. When going outdoors, sunscreens with an SPF of 15 or higher are needed. Eat a well balanced diet high in raw vegetables and plenty of water.
posted by Toxious at 3:26 AM


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