ME & M@.......FaShioN!!!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Six Beauty Vices

Here are six mistakes you do or which you have done at least once in order to improve your look.

1) Tearing the cuticles with the teeth is one of these vices. It can cause infections and your nails will have a bad look. Try to maintain the skin around your nails hydrated and in this way the cuticles will stop tearing and you won’t be tempted to rive them off with your teeth. Try to massage the cuticles every day or at least once a week with an exfoliating cream.

After having a shower, try to push the cuticles to the nails basis while they’re soft. Another solution for stopping crunching the cuticles is to use a bitter nail varnish.

2 Changing the hair’s color can be perceived as a personality crisis. Stars do this frequently because a movie or the release of another musical album obliges them to. Try to change the make-up instead of your hair’s color. And when this thought crosses your mind think that it is the most harmful activity you can do to your hair.
If you want to do this, use a permanent dye every four weeks and a semi-permanent one, without ammoniac every three weeks. Use a post-dyeing balm and a hair mask once a week.

3) Going to solar is another frequent mistake. The UV rays are called aging rays as they harm the skin so hard that they are sometimes blamed for the appearance of skin cancer. Thanks to many suntan body lotions you can obtain a beautiful suntan without going to solar.

4) Squeezing your pimples can change your appearance in a negative way. You should know that by squeezing your pimples they will “live” longer up to 10 days instead of 2-3 days. Why? All the dirt from your fingers forces the bacteria to enter the pores and cause an infection of the area. Be patient and use a special creme which contains salicylic acid for three to seven days.

5) Using make-up testers can increase the chance to take all kind of infections as you may use the same lipstick as twenty women before you. The safest testers are those sealed, you can find in magazines. If you make-up at a special stand pay attention the cosmetic products to be sealed. Wash your hand after shopping.

6) Exaggeration in whitening your teeth
This activity can provoke a certain sensitiveness of your teeth. You should know you can whiten your teeth from eight to nine nuances, If you use a whitening kit at home you will obtain four nuances maximum. Read carefully the instructions.
posted by Toxious at 6:44 AM


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