ME & M@.......FaShioN!!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Julian Hakes’ ‘Mojito’ shoes

They can hardly be called shoes but theoretically they are…

The idea of wraparound shoes with no plates appeared when the designer was observing foot prints in sand. He noticed that the force of movement was primarily put on the ball and heel, this meant the foot plate on shoes is not important.

The innovative shoes were created from carbon fibre (with rubber for soles and leather on the sides) that wrap and writhe around the foot, supporting the heel and the ball while the foot acts as a bridge between the two.

The result you can see at the picture. It doesn’t look like an average shoe but sure there is something interesting in it.

I wonder if these shoes are comfortable enough. What do you think about the new Mojito footwear?
posted by Toxious at 10:08 PM


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