ME & M@.......FaShioN!!!
Friday, June 26, 2009
How To Create Beautiful Big Eyes?

Why do I need eye foundation?
Everyone should use eye foundation because it makes your eye make-up last longer, prevents creases in your eye shadow and prevents smudges. This is especially important in the summer months when you tend to sweat more and due to allergies your eyes may be itchy and watery.
How do I apply eye foundation?
Use either the supplied wand or make-up sponge to apply across the eyelid an up to the eye brow? Eye Foundation tends to be thicker then most foundations - so keep in mind a little goes a long way.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Secrets To Beautiful Skin

Beauty Tip: What is the single best thing you can do for your skin?
Quite simply - wear sunscreen. Ultraviolet radiation damages the skin and can lead to wrinkles, premature aging, age spots, and cancer. Take extra precautions to make sure your skin is not exposed to the sun's rays. Use a natural sunscreen, or a moisturizer that contains sunscreen (at least SPF 15) everyday.
What is the second best thing you can do for your skin?
Drink lots of water. That means at least 8 glasses of water a day. Drinking water is one of the best ways to keep your skin healthy. Water helps to hydrate the skin and move waste and nutrients through the system.
Beauty Tip: Things you do daily for your skin
Aside from the sunscreen and the water consumption, exercise, rest, and good nutrition lay the foundation for beautiful, healthy skin. A proper diet is not only good for your overall health, it also helps to ensure that your skin will receive all of the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that it needs to maintain and repair cells.
Ways to combat the dry skin that comes with age
Older skin has fewer sweat and oil glands than younger skin. Dry skin may be caused by frequent baths, certain cosmetics or medications. Avoid using harsh soaps when bathing, and if possible, cut back on the number of baths or showers each week. A sponge bath with warm water may help to clean and revive skin without stripping the skin of its valuable moisturizers. When you do use soap, try using a natural very mild soap that does not contain any dyes, parabens or perfumes. Follow up the bath with a moisturizing lotion concentrating on problem dry areas. A good all natural moisturizer is one of the foundations for a healthy skin care regimen. Continue moisturizing throughout the day to keep skin healthy. Your hands and face are particularly susceptible to daily damage, and may need to be moisturized several times.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Blackheads are so common, yet many of us do know what they are. We know even less about dealing with them. However, they can be controlled and even prevented by taking regular care of the skin.
Blackheads are caused by over active sebaceous glands (the oil producing glands of the skin). The excess secretion of oil expands and thickens the pores of the skin. The oil collects in the pores and hardens into a plug. The pores are then clogged with hardened sebum or oil. Since the pores are open, the tip of the clogged grease is exposed to the air and oxidises, turning black. Hence, blackheads are formed.
Oily skins naturally tend to attract dirt and grime from the environment and these pollutants also collect in the pores with hardened oil Blackheads cause the pores to be further enlarged and people with oily skins end up with a skin texture that is coarse and trough. Apart from the fact that blackheads look unsightly, they are the cause of acne. When a pore is fully blocked, the oil gland can get infected resulting into a pimple. Therefore, the control of blackheads is one way of preventing acne.
Blackheads not only appear on the face, but on the back, chest and other areas that are rich in sebaceous glands.
Blackhead extraction is a professional job and it should be left to people who know exactly know how to do it. Never pick at them. Tampering with the skin by forcing blackheads out brutally can damage the skin tissue by destroying the inner layer. The counter part of the blackhead is the whitehead, which is also caused by collection of sebum in the pores, but in this case the pores are not open and the sebum is not exposed to the air.
Effective methods for removing Blackheads
It is most important to keep the skin scrupulously clean.
* Use an oatmeal or almond mask thoroughly to cleanse your face. Mix either oatmeal or almond powder with enough rose water to make a soft paste that spreads easily on the skin. Rub it on your skin with your fingertips, paying special attention the problem areas. Leave to dry for about 15 minutes and then rinse off with cold water.
* Apply undiluted lemon juice, two to three times a day, on the affected areas.
* solution made out of one and a half cups of hot water and half a tablespoon of boric powder is an ideal concoction for blackheads, Saturate a face napkin in this hot solution and press on to the skin, repeat twice. Extract blackheads carefully with a blackhead remover and sterilized cotton wool. Pat on an astrigent.
* Warm a little honey and apply on the trouble spots. Wash off after 10-15 minutes.
Try out these home remedies for cleaning out your blackheads yourself or get in touch with a qualified beautician
Pakistani Bridals Makeup & Jewellery
Monday, June 22, 2009
Summer Beauty Tips

Summer is a great time for relaxation, recreation and renewal. If you’re like most of us, you probably take advantage of the longer days and warm weather to enjoy extra time with family and friends. While enjoying the hot, lazy days of summer, keep in mind that different beauty rules apply. Here are a few tips to keep you looking as good as you feel:
Summer Hair Care

* If you spend lots of time outdoors and want to spice up your look naturally, try combing a little lemon juice through your hair. The sun will lighten those strands faster than your locks sans lemon, giving you an attractive sun-streaked look. It’s also easier on your budget than salon highlights.
* Be sure to deep condition your hair at least once a week, especially if you swim a lot. Hair tends to become dry, dull and brittle if it is soaked and dried too often.
* If you like to swim lengths, try spritzing on some leave-in conditioner under your swim cap to help ward off damage from chlorine and salt water.
Summer Skincare Tips

* It may be hip to be tanned, and it does tend to camouflage a multitude of imperfections, but don’t deep-fry your skin for the sake of fashion. Your best bet is a high quality bronzer in a bottle. The Body Shop has a great all-natural formula. Just remember to use a facial scrub prior to application to slough off any dead skin cells. You may also want to use a pair of gloves, lest your palms turn orange!
* If you spend lots of time outside, be sure to use sunscreen with minimum SPF 15. The cancer-preventing benefits are obvious, but protection is also a must for those of us who don’t want to look old before our time.
* Make sure that you are adequately hydrated - at least 8 glasses of water a day and even more when you are outside.
* If you do burn, apply Aloe Vera or lotions containing it. This will cool and soothe your skin and help you to heal faster. A personal trick is to apply cream containing zinc to my face at night. This is an effective way of healing my burn by the morning.
* Nothing is more revolting than skin full of little red mosquito or bug bites, not to mention the new threat of West Nile Virus, so don’t forget the bug spray. You may want to try one of the new two-in-one sunscreen and insect repellants.
* For a quick skin boost in the sun, fill a misting bottle with a little bit of toner and water, and spritz your face and body for a quick cool off. Just remember to close your eyes so you don’t risk burning them.
Summer Make-up Tips

* Take on summer with a fresh face forward - less is best! Accentuate your glowing skin by brushing on a light shimmering powder instead of a heavy foundation. You don’t want to appear like you are melting under the hot sun.
* Those of you who read my column know that I’m a big advocate of the powder bronzer. This is a great way to give yourself a pretty glow. I like to use a matte finish on my face and then a shimmer powder on my eyelids, above my cheekbones, and on my shoulders and collarbone.
* A hot look on a bronzed face is shiny lip gloss. The BEST is “Lip Glass” by MAC. It gives you ultra shine over lipstick (applied with a brush) or on its own. Plus, it stays put - a big bonus for die-hard lip gloss wearers!
* Try a light shimmering eye shadow in beige just under your brow bone to draw attention to your eyes.
* If you are wear mascara, try a waterproof. This way you will avoid “Raccoon Eyes” when you are perspiring or near water. Don’t forget the must-have partner, eye make-up remover, or else you really will end up with the dreaded dark circles!
My number one beauty booster tip is simple: relax…and summer is the perfect time to do it. Take time to sit back, relax and enjoy time with your friends and family. Check back with LifeToolsforWomen in September for my fall beauty and fashion tips.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
How To Shake Dandruff Flakes Away

If you have dandruff, do not worry about being alone with your problem. With one out of every two people in the entire world having, or having had, that same problem as yours, you are definitely not alone with it. Dandruff is a common hair problem. Embarrassing indeed, but a very, very common problem nonetheless.
What causes dandruff? Well, you see, our entire skin, from our scalps to the soles of our feet, sheds dead skin cells on a daily basis. We get a complete coating of new skin every 28 days or so, but we hardly even notice it.
Our bodies also play host to a lot of microorganisms like bacteria and fungi, feeding off on the sebaceous oils that our skin produces. Our scalp in particular is home to a kind of fungus called malassezia fungus, and its food is the oils produced by the hair follicles of our scalp. Dandruff happens when, for some reason or another, the malassezia fungus goes crazy and irritates our scalp, causing the dead skin to shed a lot faster. So, instead of shedding the dead skin cells of our scalp for a month, the shedding happens in less than two weeks, and the oil that our hair follicles produce cause these dead skin cells to clump together and become dandruff. Until now, the factors that trigger this phenomenon with the malassezia fungus are still the subject of research.
Dandruff is an embarrassing hair condition, and it can recur despite your best efforts. But with proper hair care, the recurrence of dandruff can be controlled. The best way to keep the flakes at bay is to shampoo your hair every day - picture perfect hair.
Dandruff can, of course, become stubborn, so if washing everyday with your regular shampoo does not stop the flakes from becoming haywire, the next best thing to do would be to start using anti-dandruff shampoos. Look for anti-dandruff shampoos with zinc pyrithione, selenium sulfide, salicylic acid or ketoconazole as the active ingredient. To keep your scalp from developing immunity to these shampoos, go ahead and rotate brands at least once a month.
For optimum results, you can lather your hair with the shampoo of your choice twice. The first wash will clear the scalp of the flakes and the oil buildup. The second one would let the chemicals in the shampoo get absorbed by the scalp - haute hair.
You can also try homemade remedies to wash the flakes away and to keep the dandruff from recurring. What is considered the best homemade remedy to dandruff is a vinegar wash. Mix two teaspoons of vinegar with six teaspoons of water and rub it against your scalp before you go to bed, then wrap your head with a towel. Apply the same solution to your hair once again in the morning when you wake up, then rinse it with water. You do not have to worry about the smell of vinegar in your hair, as the smell of vinegar does evaporate eventually.
Whatever you do, never, ever scratch the clumps with your fingernails. It will cause wounds on your scalp.
Dandruff is an embarrassing hair condition, but it is not unmanageable. Just take good care of your hair and the flakes will go away.
Which Lip Plumpers work Best

Why do large, pouty lips manage to catch our attention when we read magazines or watch TV, making us wish we had them too? These days everyone wants big, pouty, sexy lips and most of us ladies will go to any length to get the lip look that screams sexy. Thankfully, there are effective lip plumpers and natural enhancers available on the market so most of us do not need to visit a plastic surgeon for painful injections. We can get the lips of Angelina Jolie or Scarlett Johanssen without the cost and risk of cosmetic injections. Almost all stores and beauty counters sell lip plumpers and natural lip enhancement creams. But how effective are they? A fuller pout can be achieved in a number of ways, and manufacturers are using these mechanisms to make lips plumper and fuller. A few products react immediately and usually cause a tingling feeling. Cinnamon and wintergreen can have this effect. Other products not containing ingredients like this will not work as fast.
Lip plumpers also work by adding specific proteins to the surface of the lip, in order to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin after using the product for a number of days. The lips become thicker which results in giving them a plumper look. Your lips will appear smoother since they diminish the fine line on and around your mouth. The third mechanism that is used in most lip plumpers is microspheres. Microspheres help the lip tissue attract water molecules — just like a sponge; this helps the spheres to swell and exert pressure toward the surface of the lips, resulting in smooth, plump lips. After using for a few weeks, these products will also help stimulate collagen and elastin production for improved lip appearance.
If you want your lips to look fuller, help may only be an application of lip gloss away. Women of all ages are looking for plump, fuller lips. Although many lip enhancers will do the trick, a natural lip enhancer that can double the size of the lips is a rare find. Most of these products guarantee a visible difference immediately and with minimal cost. Your sultry, plump lips will get you noticed.
Want Luscious Lips - Put Some Spice to it

Want temporarily plump lips for that so-in look? Try using some cinnamon oil before putting on your lipstick, it works just the same but without the pricey cosmetic injections. A warning though, best try it out for it can be irritating to people sensitive to the spice and the oil being concentrated, it will burn or sting more. Go the grocery for some and try it out, it adds plumpness for that special evening and it costs next to nothing. One more thing, want cheaper lipstick without shifting brands? Some manufacturers like Mack offer discounts if you opt to buy them with your old casings with you. It helps you save some cash as well as help save mother nature by lessening the trash you produce in the home.
Moisture - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

So much moisture is a problem not many of us face who have to deal with dry skin each and every day. Dry skin is a very common problem but many who use water to cool off and wash more frequently during hot days tends to work to the opposite effect. Water, though a very good hydration source when used with soap can end up drying your skin more that you would want. Use blotting films to get rid of excess oil on your face, and wash with gentle moisturizing cleansers that do not dry out the skin.
Germicidal soaps are very effective at getting rid of bacteria and many other contaminants but they are also harsher on your skin. Use them in conjunction with moisturizing lotions and creams to prevent drying out and cracking skin. Summer is one of those times when skin care becomes more a necessity than a fad. Healthy skin should have a well balanced level of moisture and protection from the suns rays preventing problems down the road as you have fun in the sun.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
How to get Radiant Skin even with Oily Skin

Water is Life

An average of 6-8 (8 oz.) glasses of water should be consumed everyday to ensure proper hydration. A well-hydrated person has clear, healthy, glowing skin. It helps in the detoxification and cleansing of the skin by getting rid of impurities and toxins inside the body. Drinking the right amount of water also helps in maintaining a good muscle tone. You can see that a skin is elastic and supple when a person has enough hydration.
In contrast, a dehydrated individual has a dry, cracked skin and has early signs of aging visible in the skin. Inadequate water intake can also lead to breakout of acne and pimples.
It is good practice to drink water regularly throughout the day. There is no need to wait until you feel thirsty.
Curly Hair Summer Care

Curly hair may complete a killer look yet when the sun shines brightly during summer, one can’t help whether it’s a curse due to management issues. The first thing to have when ti comes to curly hair and the sun is a great combo shampoo and conditioner. Products from Matrix and Redken helps clean, protect and even enhances those curls, ready for the beach. Most tend to forget their hair can dry out easily under the sun especially during those beach trips, better have a comfortable and well ventilated and wide brimmed hat. you can also go for bandannas strapped over your head to keep them blowing in the wind and getting hopelessly tangled into dreadful messy hair.
After a long day at the beach, rinse off the salt and get down and nourish the scalp with a moderate massage with your favorite scalp cream. The sun is indeed for fun yet combined with the salt and extremely drying wind, those curls can become a true curse so be prepared and take care of them so they last longer and better.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

There are different types of quirky styles in punk and it could be adopted by anyone who would love to get noticed in the society. There are different types of punk hairstyles and all these are maintained by different aspects such as colour, style, cut etc.
1. Colour is the most important factor and it is known to be the most popular factor determining the exact punk look. All punk hairstyles would surely have at least minimal hair colours or combinations. These colours would be vibrant, bright and fast colours that would make others have a look at the hair. The more common colours are orange, blue, purple, pink, green and many others. Usually all these colours are in the neon shades which are attractive. Colour plays a major role as it would be applied to just one section or into the entire hairstyle. Both would lead to a splendid style. While highlighting the most focused areas are tips of strands, strands or specific hair parts which would be styled greatly such as the bangs or the crown. Radical hair colouring is the chosen one for punk hairstyle. One example is platinum blonde tips on black hair so that the tips are highlighted giving a freak look. People are sure to notice such a hairstyle.
2. Cut is yet another factor that would determine the hairstyle to be punk. There are different cuts which are dominated by the punk hairstyle. One such style is the long shaggy look on top with buzz cut on the lower half of the head which is highly in relation to the punk dos. Another famous punk hair cut is the irregular, asymmetrical cuts such as long hair on one side and shorter on the other side. Another very common look is to shave designs or patterns on the back of the head which usually relates to different ongoing messages. It is common among the teenagers and is also used while protests.
3. Style is yet another feature which highly dominates the punk hairstyle. One of the most common examples is the Mohawk hairstyle. It is the style which has hair vertical from the top of the head to the back in the center. The more precise on is having shaved hair on the sides with just this vertical hair line in the middle. Another related punk hairstyle is the fly away look, where the hair seems to be not at all styled instead it is let loose. This hairstyle is preferred by the rock stars usually. There are certain other styles which are considered to be patented by different personalities. For the creation of punk hair style, different accessories such as spikes, loops, parts, braids etc could be used. With these the hairstyle would even better and simply fantastic. It has to be understood that one can create punk hair style with your own imagination and creation and would simply look awful.
The most important thing that comes to mind while thinking of punk hairstyle is the weirdness and the multiple colours. Another important thing that is thought of about the punk hairstyle is the Mohawk hairstyle which is the hairstyle that persists for more than twenty years. It was more intense in the past rather than the much calmer style of today.

The most important thing that has to be conveyed about punk is that it is the only hairstyle that has remained to be the perfect one since years. There are lot of confusions remaining in case of the punk hairstyle about its creation, origin and lot more. But the person who uses the punk hairstyle is refered to as “punk”.
The unique thing about punk hairstyle is that the changes are not much with just a little change here and there. It is referred to as the 70’s punk, 80’s punk, 90’s punk and lot more. The real style emerged in the 70’s and it referred to the spiked or coloured hair. By the 80’s, rebellion became significant and something which was not supposed to be the same earlier. But it became even more wide spread with the emergence of MTV.
The 80’s punk hairstyle included the spikes, coloured hair, Mohawk and many more. The Mohawk hairstyle was defined by Merriam-Webster as “the hairstyle with a narrow center strip of upright hair and the sides shaved.”

The real wearers of the punk fashion are the teenagers as they were the ones who accepted this style as part of the latest trend and to express their individuality and the rebellion against the conformist society. Even now it is famous and very much alive among the musicians and the younger generation who would like to make themselves stand away from the normal life of the people. They usually adopt this kind so that they are looked by others and everyone would love to have a glance at this weird style. It has become a fashion statement right now as more and more people are into this hair keeping.
Mohawk or the Mohican are known to be the hairstyle which is a variation of the punk culture. It mainly resembles the shaving of both sides of the head which leaves back a strip of the noticeable hair which is longer. It was adopted from the punk subculture by the year 1970. The punk subculture is known to be associated with them largely and they are also influenced from other cultures also.
In the recent times, the style is regarded to be entirely different from the olden days as the hair is shaved from both the sides and the remaining hair is kept long and is also spiked up. For some people it looks weird whereas for some it looks simply awful. In relating to the punk hairstyle, this hairstyle is completely dyed with brilliant colours and the center part is considered to be spiked so that it remains upwards. This style is known to be the charged style recently as it is nicknamed so. Mohawk style is also referred to as something relate to the Goth subculture which is also a descendant of punk which leaves the remaining hair spiked.
Varieties of Mohawk hairstyle

Fanned: As the name suggests, the resemblance of this hairstyle would be to a fan. The hair which is unshaven is made to stand upwards in the shape of a fan. It extends from the front hairline to the nape. This is known to be the popular Mohawk hairstyle and the reason is that it is very easy to mend it.
Slant Hawk: This kind of style is adopted by the Canadian as well as the R&B artist Shawn Desman. It is considered to be the diagonal style where it is known to cross from one side of the neck to another side which is the opposite one of the brow.

Chelsea Hawk: It is regarded as the female version of Mohawk but here the fringe is left on the front of the face. It is taken from the Chelsea hairstyle.

Side hawk: It is an entirely different form where the back of the head is shaved and the long hair strip is extended horizontally from one ear to another instead of the usual vertical position of forehead to nape. It really gives out a peacock effect as the hair would be spiked upwards.
Blow hawk: The importance of this hairstyle lies in the fact that the spikes are blown upwards. It is regarded to be modifications of the Mohawk hairstyles. For this the hair is spiked upwards and as the name suggests it is blow dried to attain a slight dampness. This gives the top quality which looks like plastic. The next step is bending the spikes backwards to the rear end.
Cross hawk: It is known to be a blend of traditional fanned Mohawk and the fanned side hawk. Both these forms a cross in the weaver’s head. There are many variations of this type seen and these are known to be the H hawks as the bihawk is crossed by the H shape. Another variation is the A hawk bihawk has connects in the back and side hawk so that it forms A shape.

Mollet: A Mohawk which is worn in the front and a mullet that branches out in the back is known to be a mollet. Maynard James Keenan of Tool is known to be the only person who has achieved this hairstyle.
Mini-Mo: A Mohawk style which does not extend from the back of the neck to the forehead is known to be Mini-Mo. Another name given is portmanteau of miniature and Mohawk. Into the middle of the head is the resting place of this hairstyle.
Glow hawk: It is a variation of Mohawk tried by many these days. It is brightly dyes form and the colours differ largely too.
Some of the Mohawk wearers who are notable are the Wattie Buchan, Mr. T, Robert De Niro, Sascha Konietzko, Tim Armstrong and many others too.

If you look around for the example of punk hairstyle, there is none other stop than Kelly Osborne’s popular hairstyle. It would be difficult for the ordinary people to have the punk hairstyle as they might be peeped at among the crowd, but in case of the celebrities and fashion people, this is the latest trend which makes them noticeable and famous too. It is not the desired choice for everyone as it has to be looked into the different aspects before acquiring one. These types are very fluffy and sometimes look weird with vibrant colours too.

There are different types of punk hairstyles. Some of them are:
Original Punk hairstyle: It is the traditional method of no variation in the style, gel is applied to make the spikes. It is possible to dye the hair either in shades of purple or in pink colours. This kind of fashion was more prominent in the 1980s.
Skate Punk hairstyle: It is the hairstyle by famous Kelly Osborne. Such hairstyles have the hair cut in asymmetrical lengths and spikes are fashioned with the help of gel. While making up this hairstyle, more focus is given to the ends which are made to look tiny, cute and spunky. The ends are made to look brilliant with the neon colours so that it focuses largely on the extra hairs. It resembles the Emo hairstyle. Another characteristic of this style is extreme blond dyeing.
Death or Horror Punk hairstyle: The look is very similar to the Gothic looks. The first thing is that the dying of hair in either black or blue-black in colour. It is only after this the spikes are made which resemble that of the Mohawk type. Finally it results in the horn punk hairstyle.
Pop Punk hairstyle: It is exclusively for women and it is necessary to be having long hair to create this look. In this, half the hair is dyed with varying light coloured dyes. Later it is prepared in such a way as Avril Lavingne has.
Punk fashion dates back to years giving out the thrust in each and every individual. With time, the fashion statement is also having a drastic change.
Standard punk: Earlier fashion was related to chains, spikes, combat boots and even leather jackets. The fashion also different with people with ripped pants, shirts etc. Hair is the major aspect as it is dyed with different bright colours such as pink, orange, red, blue, green and is combed in different styles like the Mohawk or even the liberty spikes fashion. It also deals with hair cuts or even shaven hair. During this time, belts with metal studs and even the bullet belts were popular during this time. Even the painted denim or leather jackets were very common. Even metal spikes and studs are added.
Hardcore: The variety of dress differs largely as it started during the late 1970s. It also depends largely on people as one scene is depended on another. Even the hardcore dance steps are made easily with the fashion they adopt in their dressing. Some of the preferred varieties are the baggy jeans, work pants, bandanas, military shorts, hoodies and lot more. They depend largely on the present fashion which varies from the hip-hop fashions to the athletic shoes to the gold jewellery to large belt buckles and more. Nike is the preferred athletic clothing which has largely influenced the style and comfort.
Anarcho punk: It can be marked as the politicized adaptation of the traditional punk fashion. It is all black classic clothing which gives a traditional and wonderful look. It also uses the anarchist slogans and symbols. The leather items are also refused to be worn in this kind of fashion statement.
Crust punk: It can be coined out as the exact evolution of the traditional punk fashion and also is influenced from different bands. The typical wear is the camouflaged or black trousers or shorts which are covered with patches, the bullet belts, golden jewellery and even the bum flaps. Another aspect which is of political is the band patches which would give the real result. By the help of individual crust punks, the patches are done right at home by screen printing. The most popular ones are the dreadlocks. At times, it also seems to be unwashed and unsanitary with the conservative standards. One of the popular headgears is the baseball caps with sewn patches.
Punk fashion is upgraded with different aspects and it differs in varying ways. It includes brothel creepers, bondage pants, fingerless gloves, hoodies, kutten and lot more.
It is easier to create punk hairstyle but a little research would make it better. You can choose your own punk style with varying aspects the informations collected could help you a lot in different ways. For this:
The hair is split into three different pony tails. This should be done separating from the middle of the crown and reaching the middle of the back. It has to be done carefully.

Make each of the divisions secure by wrapping like you would prefer so that it is tight. Use it similar to a pony tail holder.
Next onto the second wrap, it is important that the pony tail is brought halfway and thus the ends would blend with the feather wrap piece.
For securing the hairstyle or the wrap you can get the help of bobby pins so that it remains tight.
For creating more volume, the hair has to be styled forward and sprayed. In the similar way a hair cut also could determine whether the style is punk or not.
The major aim in building up a punk hairstyle is to create something beyond the usual accepted styles. It has to be attractive, unusual and crazy making people look at it.
In relation to the punk dos is the style which is long, shaggy on the top. Even then, it is cut buzz on the lower half of the head.
Another type of punk fashion creation is the asymmetrical cuts which has hair long on one side and shorter on the other.
Yet another one is the one with shaven heads on the back with hair shooting out in the middle which gives a typical look. Even words and tactics are shaved on the sides.

Latest fashion in Punk Hairstyles for Men

in punk is the wearing of asymmetrical side-swept bangs. The older fashion of fanned, egg-and-glue, tall inspirations are outdated by the short, square and touchable styles. It is the outdated seventies fashion which is considered to be renewed in today’s trends.
There are many guys who are worried as they have curly or wavy hair. They even feel desperate as they could not try out newer punk hairstyles. But there is solution for all their problems. But this is not known to all as they feel that having such types of hair would create problems for making stylish hairstyles. There are various solutions if it is known to be solved inside as well as outside the saloon.
The three solutions are:
* In case of the Brit-punk hairstyle which is said to have a spiky look the most useful trick is to get the help of a flat iron. It would simply look the best if this solution is opted for and no one would ever know that the hair was curly or wavy.
* For a Mohawk style it is better to opt for a hair stylist who can make the entire process complete chemically in a relaxed manner. It would return to the same old hair in a month or two. This largely depends on the hair.
* In case of long bangs and for short sides, it is better to chemically relax it or use it with a straightening product. But this has to be done just on the bangs. After this, it is advised to blow dry the hair for the activation process to done.

For those who wish to have the rock star effect, they could make themselves the real one with a punk Mullet hairstyle which is sure to rock. It is cut short on the top and the on the back it is left long which shows up a better punk trend. But the only drawback is that it is very choosy as it does not look the same on all as it looks perfect with those who have even head shapes. Therefore, it is always the best to choose those hairstyles that would suit you the best and not to jump into those which makes you even worse. For this it is very important to understand yourself and your features so that you can easily choose the hairstyle that would suit you and make you look freaky.

Girls might be in the look out for tips with which they can alter themselves to accustom to the latest trends and styles. But they have to follow them to have the perfect one. Some of them are:

It is a truth that the punk hairstyles would look simply the best with everyone regardless of the shape of the face.
While choosing for this style, never ever worry about the way you look where as it is something to have fun with and enjoy.
Choose whatever the best is for you and never go onto to resemble anyone as it won’t be the same for you.
Check out for more information on different punk hairstyles so that it would be easy for you to select the one which suits you.

Punk hairstyles are not commonly seen around as it is far away from the normal ones. It is very volumous with vibrant and attractive colours. It is with these bright colours the real weird look really gets up. There are also different types of punk hairstyles into the newer trends these days. They are the Emo hairstyles and the Indie hairstyles.